Serving the Fountain Valley area for over 25 years.
Fountain Creek Veterinary Clinic
8220 S US HWY 85-87
Fountain, Colorado 80817
8220 S US HWY 85-87
Fountain, Colorado 80817
Phone: (719) 382-0777
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:30-5:30
(Appts: 8:40-4:40 not including emergencies)
Every Other Sat: 8:00-1:00
(Appts: 8:40-12:00)
Mon-Fri: 7:30-5:30
(Appts: 8:40-4:40 not including emergencies)
Every Other Sat: 8:00-1:00
(Appts: 8:40-12:00)
Hours subject to change
Our Location